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Reply-to-Reviews by Email

Get email notifications about new user reviews and respond to them directly via email.


This feature will send you timely alerts about new reviews straight to your email. That way, you'll always be informed about customer feedback as it comes in. It allows you to quickly see the sentiment of your reviews and respond promptly.

You'll be able to send replies directly from your email, without needing to redirect to the Asodesk interface. 

Click on 'Reply to review' and send a response by return email

How to set up the report:

1.  Navigate to the Connections Hub tab found on the left sidebar of the interface.

2.  Click on the 'Create' option in the top right corner to select Email report/alert.


3.  Specify the email address to which you would like the alert to be sent.

4.  Choose the apps and countries for which you want to get the alert.

5. Click on 'Reply to reviews report', then enable the option 'Respond to every new and updated review by email'.

6. Choose the reviews you want to reply to:

    • Choose the type of reviews you want to receive: all reviews, updated reviews, reviews that have got worse, or reviews that have got better.
    • Choose import history: specify the number of reviews you would like to receive before running the report.
    • Choose the rating of reviews that you like to receive.
    • Choose the length of reviews you want to receive: more or less than 3 words.

      7. Save the settings.

      To reply to user reviews, you need to connect Asodesk to App Store Connect or  Google Play Console.


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