A list of all the Asodesk integrations that are currently available.
Asodesk integrations with help desk services and communication platforms will make your work easier by keeping you informed about important feedback or updates about your app.
With integrations, you can easily keep track of updates to your app data, such as new ratings, rankings, keywords, features, user reviews and reports. You can choose the most convenient way to stay updated on these changes.
Integrations with help desk systems:
Email & Slack:
Data Exports
Asodesk API
Is it possible to connect Asodesk to another system?
If you can't find the integration you need in the list, please let us know and we'll find a solution together.
We would really appreciate your help and would like to know what kind of information you would like to get or upload using this integration, and what tasks you would like to perform with it.
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Click the support icon in the bottom right corner or write on hello@asodesk.com