Analyze your positions for keywords from the Keyword Table with Keyword Dynamics.
The Keyword Table has a Dynamics button which opens a full-screen pop-up showing the position dynamics for keywords in the table.
Keyword Dynamics has the following features:
Keyword ranking distribution chart
Keyword Ranking Distribution is similar to the ASO Comparative Report graph, but shows the distribution of positions only for those keywords that have been added to the Keyword Table. This allows you to track statistics for the most important keywords that are in your semantic core.
At the top of the chart, you can select the time period you wish to analyze.
Table listing keywords
This table shows how the popularity (Daily Impressions) and positions (Rank) of the app have changed for keywords on the first and last day of the selected period.
You can export this table for further analysis using the button below.
Top widget
Similar to the ASO Comparative Report, the widgets show the number of keywords for which the app appears in various top lists.
View data for Tabs
Position dynamics information can be easily viewed not only for all keywords in the keyword table, but also for keywords in a specific tab.
To view Keyword Dynamics for a tab, first open the tab in the Keyword Table, and then click the Dynamics button.
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