The Competitor Positions tool allows you to track the positions of competitors you have previously added to the system. Competitor Positions allows you to monitor and analyze the performance of your competitors in real time, providing valuable insight into their market strategies and positioning.
To access Competitors Positions, go to ASO Tools and select Keywords → Competitors Positions from the top menu:
Your competitors' positions are highlighted in the table, making it easy to compare their metrics with your own.
Under a keyword you'll find information about the latest data update for that keyword.
You can tick the box next to certain keyword to see the ranking chart for your app and your competitors:
On the right, you can search for any application to add as a new competitor or analyze the ones you have already added by going to a competitor's Organic Report or ASO Comparative Report.
The rocket button allows you to promote your app for a keyword using the Keyword Boost feature.
You can also export data from Competitors Positions for further analysis.
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