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  3. Email and Slack Reports & Alerts

How to set up Reports & Alerts to Slack / email

Various types of reports and alerts can be sent directly to your email or Slack, and here's how you can set them up.

  1. Navigate to the Connections Hub tab found on the left sidebar of the interface.
  2. Click on the "Create" option in the top right corner to select whether you want to create an email report/alert or a Slack report/alert.


3.  When configuring an email report/alert, you will need to specify the reports/alerts you wish to receive. Additionally, you must select the applications and countries for which you want to receive these reports.


4.  Once you have configured all the settings, simply click on the "Create" button.


Once saved, the report/alert will be sent to the designated emails/Slack channel and will also be visible in the list within the Custom Reports & Alerts tool.

To temporarily disable the set up report, simply toggle the switch on the right. You can also edit or delete it by clicking on the three dots button located next to the switch.


How to view the history of sent reports

If you need to review past reports, you can easily access the complete history on the Reports timeline tab located in the Connections Hub.

You have the option to view all previously submitted reports and organize them by application and type for easy access and analysis.


Detailed descriptions and examples of all types of reports and alerts can be found here

Email and Slack Reports & Alerts: Overview

It is also possible to respond to reviews directly from alerts you receive without navigating to Asodesk interface!

Learn how

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