Tags Analysis tool

Explore the Tags Analysis tool and unlock its full potential to effectively manage and monitor reviews for your application.

Within Tags Analysis, you have the option to choose a specific timeframe for analyzing and comparing data with a previous period. For instance, you can compare data from this week to data from last week to gain valuable insights.

Below are the parameters that you can analyze and compare:



A number of app reviews for a selected period and in dynamics.



Tagged reviews

A number of app reviews with tags for a selected period and in dynamics. Comparison of tagged and untagged reviews.



Manual tagged

A number of manually tagged reviews for a selected period and in dynamics. Comparison of manually tagged and all tagged reviews.



Auto tagged

Reviews tagged automatically for a selected period and in dynamics. Comparison of automatically tagged and all tagged reviews.



Most popular tag

The tag that has been assigned to the highest number of reviews.

Tags trend

Tags Trend graph is effected by Tags Report graph data (which you can view below)

Top 20 tags

A list of the most frequently used tags.

Selecting one of the most popular tags will show data on this tag on the chart below.


Tags report, containing the following kinds of data:

  1. Tag;
  2. Category — category of the tag (can be managed in the Tags tool);
  3. # Reviews — number of reviews with this tag;
  4. Sentiment — distribution of ratings for reviews with this tag;
  5. Avg. Reviews Rating — average rating given to reviews with this tag;
  6. History — distribution of the number of reviews with this tag within a selected timeframe.

There are several preset tag filters in the Tags Report table:


Displays tags that have been assigned to the highest number of reviews at the top.


Displays tags that have been assigned to the highest number of reviews with low ratings (3 stars or less) at the top.


Shows tags which have not previously been used at the top.

Trending Up/Down

Displays tags that have experienced the most significant change in numbers compared to the previous period, at the top.

Search Tag

Ability to search for a specific tag.


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