Export of user reviews from Reviews & Replies Board
You can go to the Reviews & Replies Board tool from Reviews & Ratings in the left menu or by hovering over an app in My Apps:
If you click 'Export all reviews (.xlsx)', you will get an Excel document containing all the reviews and the relevant data.
We have also released an extended version of the reviews export. It includes detailed information about the review history, as well as the date the review was deleted. The example is shown below.
Before exporting reviews, you can set up different filters:

Number of stars.
You can choose 'Require Attention' for reviews with three or fewer stars that you haven't answered yet.
Reviews changed by app users or not.
Featured, deleted or not deleted reviews.
If you're using our Tags feature, you can export reviews with a tag you need.
Review status: there are also several options, such as 'Replied', 'No replies', 'Reported reviews', 'Pending' and 'Automated reply reviews'.
The reviews will be exported based on the filters you choose.
How it will look like in Excel:

How the extended report will look like in Excel:
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