Daily Keyword Stats

Learn about Daily Keyword Stats in Asodesk and what they are used for

Daily Keyword Stats are essential for updating keyword data regularly. Each plan comes with a set limit of Daily Keyword Stats that can be utilized.


How do I spend Daily Keyword Stats?

Daily Keyword Stats are used when:

  • You add keywords to the Keyword Table in Find & Track;
  • You export data from the Keyword Table;
  • You search a keyword in Stores Analytics or Search Explorer.
  • You force update keyword data with a special button in Find & Track.

1 keyword = 1 Daily Keyword Stat.

When does the limit for Daily Keyword Stats reset?

Daily Keyword Stats will refresh after 24h. For example, if you spent 100 Stats yesterday at 12:00, the limit will reset to 100 Stats today at the same time.


If you would like to increase your limit, see how to upgrade current plan.


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