All About Teammates

Discover how to effectively control user permissions and access to your applications and various Asodesk tools.

App Store Optimization thrives on teamwork, with each member making a valuable contribution towards a shared goal. To support teams focused on ASO development and optimization, we have introduced a Multi-user Access feature.


The Multiuser feature will be useful to you if:

  • Your team manages multiple applications across various app stores and countries;
  • You work with a main product in the global market, but have multiple local ASO managers overseeing specific regions.
  • You want to provide Read-only access for third-party members.
  • You are a team of friends who share common interests in app development and aim to maximize cost-efficiency in your endeavors.


How to add Teammates and to set up your limits?

  1. Go to Teammates menu.

  2. Click Invite Teammate.


3.  Paste your colleague's address and assign them a role;

  • Select the applications that will be available to this teammate. You can also select particular locales if necessary.


Everything is ready! Once the teammate receives and accepts the invitation sent to the specified email address, they will have access to work within Asodesk.

You can only send invitations to an email address that has not been previously registered with Asodesk. If your colleague is already has an account in Asodesk, they will need to remove it before you can send them an invite.


Teammate Roles

Below is an overview of the access levels and permissions associated with each teammate role:


An account with the Root role has no access restrictions.


Can: Can't:
  • Add and remove applications and keywords,

  • Work in all ASO tools without limits,

  • Configure notifications for all apps, 

  • Manage teammates,

  • Reply to reviews,

  • Edit templates and tags,

  • Use Auto-Tags and Auto-Replies,

  • Set up Integrations.

  • Edit payment information, 

  • Manage payment methods, billing info,

  • Manage Asodesk plans.

Product Owner

Can: Can't:
  • Work in all ASO tools with pre-selected applications defined by Admin in all countries,

  • Reply to reviews for pre-selected applications defined by Admin in all countries,

  • Set up Integrations.

  • Add or delete new applications and countries,

  • Manage teammates,

  • Edit payment information,

  • Manage payment methods, billing info,

  • Manage Asodesk plans.

ASO Manager

Can: Can't:
  • Work with pre-selected applications in pre-selected countries defined by Admin, 

  • Receive notifications and edit the settings just for selected countries and apps. 

  • Add or delete new applications and countries, 

  • Manage teammates,

  • Edit payment information,

  • Manage payment methods, billing info,

  • Manage Asodesk plans,

  • Reply to reviews (can only view data),

  • Set up Integrations.

Customer Support Manager

Can: Can't:
  • Reply to reviews for pre-selected applications in pre-selected countries defined by Admin,

  • Edit templates and tags,

  • Use Auto-Tags and Auto-Replies.

  • Add or delete new applications and keywords,

  • Work in all ASO tools (can only view data),

  • Manage teammates,

  • Edit payment information,

  • Manage payment methods, billing info,

  • Manage Asodesk plans,

  • Set up Integrations.


Can: Can't:
  • Check the performance of pre-selected applications in pre-selected countries defined by Admin, 

  • Use standard saved filters in ASO tools.

  • Delete or change keywords' settings, 

  • Add or delete new applications and countries,

  • Work in all ASO tools (can only view data),

  • Manage teammates,

  • Edit payment information,

  • Manage payment methods, billing info,

  • Manage Asodesk plans,

  • Reply to reviews (can only view data),

  • Set up Integrations.


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